What does the term “Learning Difficulties” mean?
The term “Learning Difficulties” is used to describe a set of disorders that impair a person’s ability to communicate or learn. It is a generalized term that can refer to very different conditions, such as: perception difficulties, brain dysfunctions, autism, dyslexia, developmental aphasia etc.
More generally, this term, when diagnosed, is multidimensional, unlike the medical terms “chickenpox” or “paramagoules”. These two diseases indicate a single known cause with a predictable number of symptoms. Instead, ND is a broad term that covers many possible causes, symptoms, treatments and results. Some people may have a unique, unique learning problem that affects their lives a little, while others have different learning difficulties that overlap. This is partly because these difficulties can be presented in too many forms and so it is difficult to diagnose or precisely identify the causes.
Categories in Learning Difficulties
The range of learning difficulties is varied. A simple categorization of the different types of learning difficulties results in three main categories. More specifically, the learning difficulties are divided into:
Speech and Talking Difficulties
These are difficulties in producing and understanding spoken word. Such may refer to the production of sounds (articulation), the conversion of ideas into speech (expression) or the understanding of the so-called interlocutor.
Written Difficulties
These difficulties can be related to problems with decoding, spelling problems and general problems in writing. These include the most well-known case of dyslexia (often referred to as a special learning disability).
Difficulties in Mathematics
In this category there are difficulties in identifying numbers and mathematical symbols, memorizing pre-education, understanding abstract mathematical concepts and solving mathematical problems. As in the case of the previous category (writing difficulties), these are forms of learning difficulty which, for obvious reasons, are most often detected after the person’s integration into the educational process.
Other Difficulties
This category includes difficulties which clearly affect the learning process and may fall under the term “learning difficulties” without falling into one of the above categories. Such are the visual-kinetic disorders.