Welcome To Our Workshop!
The Anna Hourlia Workshop in Larissa, is one of the most modern speech therapy centers in central Greece. We deal with children with learning difficulties, syndromes, speech disorders, vision and hearing disorders, and we also host adults classes where we present issues such as multiple sclerosis, swallowing disorders, craniocerebral injuries, etc.

Anna Hourlia
Mrs. Hourlia is the Chief Speech Therapist of the interdisciplinary team of the “Anna Hourlia Therapy Workshop”. She is a graduate of the Department of Speech Therapy of the University of Patras, and holds a postgraduate degree in the Department of Medicine of the University of Larissa.
She is a BOBATH, SI (Sensory Integration) and CS (CranioSacral) therapist and deals with early intervention in infants and children.
The fundamental purpose is to restore feeding, communication, speech and the creation of links within the family.

Katerina Kokka
Mrs. Kokka is a graduate of the Speech Therapy Department of the University of Ioannina and also holds the BRAILLE degree of the Greek Association of the Blind. In addition to speech therapy, she has also worked as a accompaniment to parallel support for children with autism.

Anastasia Rentzia
Mrs. Rentzia is a graduate of the Logotherapy Department of the University of Ioannina and has attended a number of seminars related to Learning Difficulties, Syndromes, Childhood Disorders and Neurological Issues.

Marina Gousia
Mrs. Gousia is a graduate of the Department of Speech Therapy of the AEIO of Ioannina, attending many seminars on speech therapy and pediatric neurological issues.

Anna Maria Moraiti
Mrs. Moraiti is a graduate of the Department of Speech Therapy of the University of Ioannina and a graduate student of the Greek Open University. She has been trained in TEACCH, PECS and has many years of experience in children with autism.

Vasileia Karydi
Mrs. Karydi is a graduate of the Department of Occupational Therapy of TEI of Athens, Physiotherapy of TEI of Patras and she has also begun her studies at the Department of Medicine of the University of Thessaly. She is a graduate student of the Postgraduate Program "Pain Management" of the Medical School of Ioannina.

Ioanna Dolidou
Mrs. Dolidou is a graduate of the Department of Occupational Therapy of the Athens Technological Educational Institute and at she is completing her studies of the Greek Sign Language at the Union of the Deaf Mute of Greece.

Eleni Stamou
Mrs. Stamou is a graduate of the Department of Occupational Therapy of the Athens Technological Educational Institute and has attended seminars on Autism, Rehabilitation, Vision & Learning.

Maria Tsofidou
Mrs. Tsofidou is a graduate of History and Ethnology of the Democritus University of Thrace, has attended the Special Education Program of the Aegean University and holds a Master’s Degree in Education . She has attended seminars on Autism, Dyslexia and Phonological Awareness.

Zoi Tziotziou
Mrs. Tziotziou is a graduate of the Department of Physical Education and Sport Science of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She is a student of SEPP Physiotherapy of the University of Thessaly, organizes and coordinates groups of orthosomics and choreotherapy.

Apostolia Vasileiou
Mrs. Vasileiou is a graduate of the Law, Economics and Political Sciences School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and holds a Master’s degree in Finance from Coventry University of England.

Sotiria Tziotziola
Mrs. Tziotziola is a graduate of Administration and Economics of ATEI Larissa with special training in business organization and administration and use of technologies.